
This is my first serious forray into blogging. I will try and document the goings-on of several projects I am working on right now. The most important to this website being the static site generator in the making for a few weeks. You may also expect links to music I recorded solo or with friends, as well as my poetry and a few opinion-pieces.


teflontatze's static site generator (tssg for short) aims to be a simple-to-use... well, static site generator (maybe the name gave it away). I envision it as a command line utility interfacing with several other programs I am writing right now. It will take in text in html-formatting and apply pre-defined templates to it depending on directory-structure. This should enable subpages and categories, as well as "special directories" such as a blog-section with it's own programmable logic (regarding e.g. pagination and categories).

Right now I am building a very simple parser for a subset of Markdown. Starting out, I want it to understand headings, lists without nesting, inline and stand-alone code-blocks and links. This will be expanded in the future with the goal of supplying a fully-fledged Markdown-parser adhering to the latest spec as defined here. Right now I am writing all of this in C as a learning experience. I will try and update this page reflecting the changes and progress I hope to make.


Under this section I will post about things I recently discovered or rediscovered. This may be the work of some artist I like, interesting pieces of writing, news and politics.

Xresources parser

While working on this page, I found a one-off program I wrote a few weeks back. It is quite naive and, at least I think so, not very robust, but it works on my Xresources file. While I could have just copied the hex-colors I needed from vim, I stumbled across said program. It reads out background, foreground and cursor color, as well as (up to) 16 additional colors. All the colors I use on this page come from my Xresources and for the purpose of the static site generator I talked about earlier, I would really like to have this little program integrated and use it to change template-colors based on the colors I currently use for my operating system.

Thanks for stopping by,